I had a nice relaxing Mother's Day. We didn't do much, but then again I didn't want to do anything. It was just me and the boys. David couldn't come down that week. Because I have boys and they don't do things on their own like make homemade cards and stuff we just kinda hung out together. I had planned a little activity for us to day today. I bought little flower pots and seeds and we planted flowers together. The kids really liked it. They haven't had to do much with their flowers yet because have kept them outside on the porch and it's been raining alot. But they are excited for the flowers to grow.
After our flower planting I got a call from my sister Lauren who invited me over for Margarita's! The boys had been begging to go to Jacks so it was a win win situation lol
So we went over to her house and hung out with margarita's, the kids played, and we had dinner. Then home to bed. So it was a wonderful relaxing day for all of us.
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