July 31st, Thursday I officially turned in my keys and am done with that crappy rental house I was in. They will be doing the inspection and i'll find out if we get our money back or not in the next month. I don't really care about any of that, I am just thrilled to be rid of it!
I am sad to not be living next door to my parents anymore...while it was slightly embarrassing telling people that my kids really enjoyed it and I found that it took away a lot of the loneliness.
In this new house I am next door to my sister. But my Sister is single, works all the time, has one child but he's with his dad right now. My sister enjoys being alone, so I think we have started to annoy her so i've pulled back. Well that has left me feeling isolated and lonely =(
On the UP side David is officially moving back! He will be back in about 3 weeks. But now that it's so close and I know he's going to be living with us again its made me depressed cause I want it NOW. I still have to wait and it sucks!
Oh Weds David drove down with all of his stuff. I had finally managed to make this house look somewhere put together and David comes with a truck load of crap. I am now overwhelmed all over again. Of course he had to leave the next day so he dumped it and now I have to do all the work @@
While he was here David did something to his back while moving a bed. He didn't know what but he was in a lot of pain. He went to the doctor that night to get it checked out and his Sacro something joint was dislocated. So they popped it back in and gave him meds and some exercises to do. He's still in pain though I feel so bad for him.
Tuesday night I went out to dinner with some friends, 2 of them are pregnant. It was 3hrs of labor talk......lol not cool!
Wednesday night I went out for a couple hrs with some friends...it was enjoyable but not a ton of laughs like I was hoping for.
Tonight I have a show, should be home by 8pm. My Sister Laurens birthday is tomorrow so we ae taking her out ( I don't really want to go out)...but she wants to go. And of course she picks the one location that I do NOT want to be at on a Saturday night @@ But i'll bite my tongue, it's her birthday not mine.
Tomorrow we are going out on the new boat, I am so excited!!!!
I have some pictures to share but I'm to lazy to upload them from my camera....maybe later =)
Congradulations on David's move back! I bet you'll be counting down the days. And isn't it funny how we women always end up talking labor stories? I never understand that, but have done the same thing. I usually look back and think, "Darn it! We did it again!"
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